Buscar por Autor Guerrero, Belsy

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Mostrando resultados 14 a 16 de 16
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
29-Nov-2013The effects of Lonomin V, a toxin from the caterpillar (Lonomia achelous), on hemostasis parameters as measured by platelet functionGuerrero, Belsy; Arocha-Piñango, Carmen L.; Salazar, Ana M.; Gil, Amparo; Sánchez, Elda E.; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Lucena, Sara
28-Nov-2013The Theory of Intraspecies Variation is Not the Exception, But Simply the Rule: The Diverse Hemostatic Activities of Snake VenomsRodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Guerrero, Belsy; Sánchez, Elda E
28-Nov-2013The Theory of Intraspecies Variation is Not the Exception, But Simply the Rule: The Diverse Hemostatic Activities of Snake VenomsRodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Guerrero, Belsy; Sánchez, Elda E
Mostrando resultados 14 a 16 de 16


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