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Mostrando resultados 21 a 40 de 51
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1991Dissociation of Purified Erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPaseb y Hydrostatic PressureCoelho-Sampaio, Tatiana; Ferreira, Sergio T.; Benaím, Gustavo; Vieyra, Adalberto
2002Efecto del Etanol y del Fosfatidiletanol sobre la Ca2+-ATPasa de la Membrana Plasmática “in situ”Cervino, Vincenza; Benaím, Gustavo
1998The Effect of Ethanol on the Plasma Membrane Calcium Pump Is Isoform-specificCervino, Vincenza; Benaím, Gustavo; Carafoli, Ernesto; Guerini, Danilo
2012El Ca2+ y los esfingolípidos como moduladores de la apoptosis y el cáncer.Pimentel, Adriana A.; Benaím, Gustavo
2016Ergosterone-coupled Triazol molecules trigger mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and acidocalcisomal Ca2+ release in Leishmania mexicana promastigotesFigarella, K.; Marsicobetre, S.; Colina, W.; Hasegawa, Masahisa; Rodríguez, María del C.; Rodríguez-Acosta, A.; Duszenko, M.; Benaím, Gustavo; Uzcategui, NL
2009Estudio de posibles mecanismos de acción de compuestos naturales con propiedades anticancerosasBenaím, Gustavo
2004Evaluation of the Presence of a Thapsigargin-Sensitive Calcium Store in Trypanosomatids Using Trypanosoma evansi as a ModelMendoza, M.; Mijares, A.; Rojas, H.; Colina, C.; Cervino, Vincenza; DiPolo, R.; Benaím, Gustavo
2007Homeostasis intracelular del calcio en células humanas y tripanosomatidiosBenaím, Gustavo
2013Identification of a sphingosine-sensitive Ca2+ channel in the plasma membrane of Leishmania mexicanaBenaím, Gustavo; García-Marchán, Yael; REYES, Claudia; Uzcanga, Graciela; Figarella, Katherine
1990Increased calcium permeability is not responsible for the rapid lethal effects of amphotericin B on Leishmania sp.Cohen, B. Eleazar; Benaím, Gustavo; Ruiz, Marie-Christine; Michelangeli, Fabi6n
2012In Vitro Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi Activity of Dronedarone, a Novel Amiodarone Derivative with an Improved Safety ProfileBenaím, Gustavo; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Vanessa; Mujica-Gonzalez, Sheira; Parra-Gimenez, Nereida; Plaza-Rojas, Lourdes; Silva, May Li; Garcia-Marchan, Yael; paniz-mondolfi, Alberto; Uzcanga, Graciela
2007Na+ entry via glutamate transporter activates the reverse Na+/Ca2+ exchange and triggers Cai2+ -induced Ca2+ release in rat cerebellar Type-1 astrocytesRojas, H; Colina, C; Ramos, M; Benaím, Gustavo; Jaffe, E; Caputo, C; DiPolo, R
2012Nuevas alternativas terapéuticas para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis y el mal de ChagasBenaím, Gustavo
1995Ouabain-sensitive Na+, K+-ATPase in the plasma membrane of Leishmania mexicanaFelibertt, Pimali; Bermúdez, Roldán; Cervino, Vincenza; Dawidowicz, Karl; Dagger, Fracehuli; Proverbio, Teresa; Marín, Reinaldo; Benaím, Gustavo
1996Phosphatidylethanol stimulates the plasma-membrane calcium pump from human erythrocytesSUJU, Meylin; DAVILA, Marbelly; POLEO, German; DOCAMPO, Roberto; BENAÍM, Gustavo
2006The plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase protein from red blood cells is not modified in preeclampsiaOviedo, Néstor J.; Benaím, Gustavo; Cervino, Vincenza; Proverbio, Teresa; Proverbio, Fulgencio; Marín, Reinaldo
6-Nov-2013Primary cutaneous carcinosarcoma: insights into its clonal origin and mutational pattern expression analysis through next generation sequencingPaniz Mondolfi, Alberto E.; Jour, George; Johnson, Matthew; Reidy, Jason; Cason, Ronald C.; Barkoh, Bedia A.; Benaím, Gustavo; Singh, Rajesh; Luthra, Raja
2002A proton pumping pyrophosphatase in the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane vesicles of Trypanosoma cruziMartinez, Rosa; Wang, Youhong; Benaím, Gustavo; Benchimol, Marlene; de Souza, Wanderley; Scott, David A.; Docampo, Roberto
1985The Purified Calcium-Pumping A TPase of Plasma Membrane Structure-Function RelationshipsCarafoli, Ernesto; Zurini, Mauro; Benaím, Gustavo
1995Regulatory Interaction between Calmodulin and the Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorBENGURÍA, ALBERTO; MARTIN-NIETO, JOSÉ; BENAÍM, GUSTAVO; VILLALOBO, ANTONIO
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