Buscar por Autor Acevedo, Sócrates

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Mostrando resultados 20 a 25 de 25
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
14-Jul-2015Relations between Asphaltene Structures and Their Physical and Chemical Properties: The Rosary-Type StructureAcevedo, Sócrates; Castro, Alexandra; Negrin, Juan Gabriel; Fernández, Alberto; Escobar, Gastón; Piscitelli, Vincent; Delolme, Frederic; Dessalces, Guy
15-May-2015Simulation of Asphaltene Aggregation and Related Properties Using an Equilibrium-Based Mathematical ModelAcevedo, Sócrates; Caetano, Manuel; Ranaudo, María Antonieta; Jaimes, Blanca
21-Jul-2015The PM0 method for analysis of structural features of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons relevant to asphaltenesAcevedo, Sócrates; Ranaudo, María Antonieta; Gutiérrez, Luis; Escobar, Gastón
1999Thermo-optical studies of asphaltene solutions: evidence for solvent– solute aggregate formationAcevedo, Sócrates; Ranaudo, María Antonieta; Pereira, J.C.; Castillo, Jimmy; Fernández, Alberto; Perez, P.; Caetano, Manuel
13-Jul-2015Trapping of Paraffin and Other Compounds by Asphaltenes Detected by Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (LDI-TOF MS): Role of A1 and A2 Asphaltene Fractions in This TrappingAcevedo, Sócrates; Cordero T., Josmelith M.; Carrier, Herve; Bouyssiere, Brice; Lobinski, Ryszard
1998USE OF LASER TECHNIQUES FOR THE STUDY OF ASPHALTENE AGGREGATION AND ADSORPTIONAcevedo, Sócrates; Ranaudo, María Antonieta; Castillo, Jimmy; Caetano, Manuel; Fernández, Alberto
Mostrando resultados 20 a 25 de 25


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